How Long Does Baby Weight Take to Come Off

The All-time Ways to Lose Weight Later Pregnancy

women with strollers in park
(Image credit: <a href="">Tyler Olson</a> | <a href=""></a>)

For some women, that joyful time when a warm and snuggly newborn has finally arrived can be mixed with emotions about the changes in their own bodies, and many of these women have questions nearly how they will lose the weight they put on over the past nine-plus months.

Studies prove that many women appear to concur on to at least a couple of pounds postpartum, and a quarter of women retain 11 or more than pounds (v or more kilograms) a yr subsequently giving birth. After having a babe, a woman retains, on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (i to ii kg), said Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University. That may not seem like much, but if a woman goes on to accept more children or gains more weight for other reasons, the pounds tin can add up, she said.

Holding on to pregnancy weight tin atomic number 82 to serious wellness consequences downwardly the road, putting moms at risk for chronic conditions like centre disease and diabetes. And losing the pregnancy weight is important not but for new moms, just for babies, too. Going into a future pregnancy at a higher weight can put both the mom and the developing baby at adventure for medical complications, such as gestational diabetes and hypertension.

To determine the all-time practices for women who desire to shed the baby weight, Live Science dove deeply into the data, reviewing the best studies on postpartum weight loss and talking to key experts in the field. Ultimately, we found that losing weight after pregnancy boils downward to three chief points, starting earlier you fifty-fifty give nascence:

  •      Weight gain during pregnancy (jump to section)
  •      Diet and physical activity (bound to section)
  •      Breast-feeding (spring to section)

For women worried about extra pregnancy pounds, the experts we spoke with agreed that it's certainly possible to return to your pre-pregnancy weight, and indeed, that should ultimately be your goal.

"Almost women naturally lose much of the weight they gained in pregnancy without much effort," said Dr. Emily Oken, a professor of population medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. And although it's possible for women to lose all of their pregnancy weight without making major changes in their lives, the natural shift in women'southward lifestyles that happens later they give birth certainly introduces new challenges.

"Information technology's not so much that [women] need to make major changes, only that they need to figure out how to fit in the healthy eating and activities they used to do," Oken told Live Science.

Weight proceeds during pregnancy

In that location'due south no getting effectually weight proceeds during pregnancy, of form. Simply it's of import to understand how much weight you should gain, why your trunk is putting on pounds and how it plays a office in what happens after the baby arrives.

So, how much weight should a woman gain during pregnancy? It all depends on her body mass alphabetize (BMI) earlier she gets pregnant. [Calculate Your BMI]

According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), women who are considered underweight should aim to gain 28 to 40 lbs. (12.7 to 18.i kg); women with a normal BMI should aim to gain 25 to 35 lbs. (xi.iii to fifteen.9 kg); women in the overweight category should aim to gain xv to 25 lbs. (6.8 to eleven.3 kg); and women in the obese category should aim to gain 11 to 20 lbs. (5.0 to nine.i kg). (For women who are pregnant with twins, the recommended weight proceeds amounts are higher.)

And although a weight proceeds of 25 to 35 lbs. for someone with a normal BMI may sound like a lot — certainly, a newborn baby doesn't weigh that much — those extra pounds do serve a purpose. Every bit illustrated in the infographic beneath, pregnancy pounds besides come from the placenta, the growing uterus and growing breasts, and increased blood and fluid volume in the woman's body. And aye, added fat also weighs in.

In improver, some studies suggest that gaining likewise much weight during pregnancy increases the likelihood of a cesarean-section commitment, co-ordinate to the review. (While C-sections are generally considered prophylactic, they practise comport additional risks compared with vaginal births. For example, a C-section is a major surgical procedure, and having a C-section for a first birth can oft pb to echo C-sections in time to come deliveries.)

Co-ordinate to the IOM, ane of the major reasons women should limit their weight gain during pregnancy is to reduce risks to the baby's wellness. Gaining too much weight during pregnancy increases the likelihood that the baby volition accept a high nascency weight, which can put the baby at risk for obesity and metabolic syndrome during childhood, according to a 2015 review published in the journal Skillful Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism. (Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical issues that include loftier blood pressure, a big waist circumference and depression levels of "good" cholesterol.)

Finally, gaining too much weight during pregnancy also may be associated with preeclampsia, the authors wrote. Preeclampsia is a serious complication that can develop during pregnancy when a woman has both high blood force per unit area and excess levels of protein in her urine. It can put both the mother and the baby at take a chance.

But the amount of weight a adult female gains should non be spread as over the 3 trimesters of pregnancy. The IOM advises women to gain between 1.1 and 4.four lbs. (0.five to ii kg) during the first trimester. Then, during both the second and third trimesters, women are advised to gain 0.5 to 1 lb. (0.23 to 0.45 kg) per week, depending on their pre-pregnancy BMI. The IOM advises that, during these trimesters, underweight and normal-weight women gain one lb. per calendar week, that overweight women gain 0.half-dozen lbs. (0.27 kg) per week and that obese women proceeds 0.five lbs. per calendar week. [Having a Babe | Stages of Pregnancy]

Only a key point for expecting women to proceed in mind is that the amount of weight gained during pregnancy is associated with the amount of weight lost later on — quite strongly, in fact.

"Weight gain during pregnancy is the single biggest predictor of postpartum weight retention," said Dr. Jacinda Nicklas, an banana professor of internal medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the pb writer of the 2015 review.

Oken agreed. "Gestational weight proceeds is the biggest correspondent to postpartum weight retention," she told Alive Science. "Women who gain within the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy have less weight to lose and are more likely to get back to their pre-pregnancy baseline."

But despite the risks associated with gaining besides much weight during pregnancy, betwixt 40 and 60 percent of women proceeds more than the guidelines recommend.

To keep weight proceeds within a healthy range, a woman should certainly non be "eating for ii," experts say. A woman needs "shut to zilch actress calories in the get-go trimester," Rasmussen said. "The body makes a lot of immediate changes in response to pregnancy [in the first trimester], but these changes don't crave a lot of calories," Rasmussen told Live Science. Yet, a lot of the "overgain" that women experience happens in that starting time trimester, she said.

Indeed, studies show that despite recommendations that women proceeds the to the lowest degree amount of weight during the first trimester, in reality, this is often the trimester when the largest corporeality of excessive weight gain (pounds gained higher up the recommended levels) occurs.

"Women don't need to gain more than a few pounds during the entire kickoff trimester," Oken said. And doing and so can have negative consequences. "It is becoming increasingly clear that excess weight gain, fifty-fifty very early in pregnancy, can predict later weight retention and [worse] heart health non but for the mom, just likewise for her baby," she said.

In a 2015 written report published in The American Periodical of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oken plant that weight gain in the first trimester was more strongly associated with weight retention at seven years postpartum than weight gain during the second or third trimesters. Too much weight gain in the start trimester was besides linked to college blood force per unit area afterward pregnancy than was weight gain in the second or third trimesters.

Why is it important to gain weight within the recommended guidelines during pregnancy? (Epitome credit: Viacheslav Lopatin )

The excess weight gained above the recommended amount during the start trimester is primarily fat, as opposed to weight from the fetus, the placenta or extra fluid in the woman'south body (because these weigh very little at this point in the pregnancy), co-ordinate to the researchers. Unlike fluid and nonfat tissue, this fat gain is likely more than difficult to lose after pregnancy, according to the researchers. [Body Changes During Pregnancy]

"It tin can exist a challenge to not gain too quickly" in the first trimester, Oken said. For example, women who experience the fatigue that is very common in the first trimester may overeat; other women may experience nausea that'due south helped past snacking, she said.

And "in some cases, women might remember that, 'Well, at present that I'grand pregnant, weight proceeds is expected, and so I don't need to recall and so much about what I'm eating,'" Oken said. It'south these women whom doctors specially want to educate near healthy weight gain during pregnancy, she added. Still, "many women don't run into their OBs [obstetricians] until the stop of the first trimester, then we need to go the word out" in other ways, Oken said.

In gild to go on weight gain within the guidelines, Oken recommends that women focus on eating nutrient-dense foods, including fruit, dairy products and nuts, and particularly avert "empty" calories or extra desserts. Likewise, pregnant women should attempt to avoid drinking their calories in sugar-sweetened beverages, and instead make sure to drink plenty of water, as the symptoms of thirst (such as fatigue and irritability) can sometimes be mistaken for hunger, she said. [How to Gain Weight During Pregnancy, the Healthy Fashion]

Only women shouldn't beat themselves up if they deviate from a day of healthy eating.

Pregnancy can exist stressful, and focusing so much on beingness perfect causes needless worrying during pregnancy, said Katherine Tallmadge, a registered dietitian and an op-ed contributor to Live Science. It's OK to indulge occasionally, merely it's still important to be smart about such indulgences in order to avert overgaining, Tallmadge told Live Scientific discipline. So, when momshoped-for treat themselves, they should try for smaller amounts or stay on the healthier side of the "treat," she said. For case, if you lot're craving pizza, go for vegetable, she said. [How to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy]

Women who accept gained too much shouldn't get discouraged, because anybody gains weight at unlike rates, Nicklas said. Women who do gain too much early in pregnancy should try to tedious their rate of weight gain every bit their pregnancy progresses, she said. Women who accept a BMI greater than 35 before getting pregnant may not take to gain whatsoever weight during pregnancy, she said.

However, doctors don't recommend that women intentionally endeavour to lose weight during pregnancy, Nicklas added.

You had a baby! Now what?

Subsequently giving nativity, the concluding thing that'south probable on a new mom's mind is going on a diet. And according to Cheryl Lovelady, a professor of diet at the University of Northward Carolina at Greensboro, that'due south only fine.

"I tell moms, 'The beginning month, don't worry about your weight,'" Lovelady said.

Of grade, a woman will immediately lose some of the pregnancy weight but by giving nascence — namely, the weight of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid.

And over the next few weeks, a woman tin too wait to lose the weight of the extra fluid in her body that built upward during pregnancy. After the fluid is gone, what remains is the extra fatty that the woman added during pregnancy.

Women should be able to lose their actress weight by vi months subsequently they give nativity, Lovelady said.

"Nosotros recommend a weight loss of approximately 1 pound per week," Lovelady told Alive Scientific discipline. However, in reality, women will likely lose more than weight at the start, and the weight loss will tiresome as they get closer to their goals, she said. By the cease, it may be only 1 pound per month, but that weight loss will be a pound of fat, as opposed to fluid, she added. [2016 Best Bathroom Scales]

Not all of the experts agreed that all of the weight had to come off within 6 months. Withal, 12 months seems to be the upper limit for how long it should take for women to lose all of their pregnancy weight. That means women who started out at a normal BMI earlier pregnancy should aim to return to a normal BMI, and women who were overweight or obese earlier pregnancy should aim to return to their pre-pregnancy weight, and then keep losing weight, if possible, Nicklas said.

Nicklas added that the current research suggests that women who don't lose their weight within this fourth dimension period are at greater take chances of retaining the weight for the long term.

"I recommend that women talk to their doctor if they are having trouble losing weight" at this point, she said. "Many women may need the construction of an evidence-based diet or weight-loss program to lose their pregnancy weight."

It's also important for a woman to lose the weight before getting pregnant once more, experts say.

"Ideally, a woman would exist at a healthy weight past the time she enters her second pregnancy," said Paige van der Pligt, a researcher at the Center for Physical Activeness and Nutrition Research at Deakin University in Australia. But because "the flow of fourth dimension between two pregnancies will exist variable — and with approximately 50 percent of pregnancies beingness unplanned — timing for weight loss can be challenging," she said.

"Only the research shows us that information technology is possible," she added.

Diet and concrete activity postpartum

With the exception of breast-feeding (discussed beneath), losing the baby weight is really no different from losing weight at any other bespeak in life, according to the experts who spoke with Live Science. [The Best Mode to Lose Weight Safely]

"Show shows us that both diet and physical activity play an important role in the weight-loss procedure for anyone attempting to lose weight," van der Pligt said. "For women following childbirth, this really isn't whatever different."

Indeed, in her 2013 review of studies on the topic, published in the journal Obesity Reviews, van der Pligt concluded that "overall, programs which target combined diet and physical activity strategies have been more than effective than those which focus on just one of these." She noted that "programs which included individualized support are also important."

In the review, van der Pligt and her colleagues reviewed data from 11 studies that were focused on postpartum weight-loss interventions. They institute that seven of the studies involved interventions that were effective in helping women lower their weight retention later on pregnancy, and that, of these, six included both dietary and concrete activeness components, according to the review. The authors concluded, however, that "the optimal setting, delivery, intervention length and recruitment approach" for the most constructive interventions remain unclear.

What works best for postpartum weight: diet, practise, or both? (Image credit: Odua Images )

A 2013 meta-analysis published in the journal Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews reached similar conclusions. Looking at data from xiv studies, the authors found that "nutrition combined with exercise or diet lonely compared with usual care seemed to help with weight loss after giving birth" but that further research is needed.

Van der Pligt stressed that "diet and practice" don't mean women need to go on an extreme nutrition or start preparation for a marathon. Several studies advise that making small changes can exist helpful for losing pregnancy pounds.

For case, in the Active Mothers Postpartum trial, which enrolled 450 overweight and obese postpartum women, cutting out junk food and being less sedentary were associated with postpartum weight loss. (Lovelady, who was an writer on that study, noted that these results were specific to overweight and obese women. Women who start out at a normal weight and gain inside the guidelines normally don't have an result with postpartum weight retention, she said.)

Overall, a woman should be able to follow any good for you diet after pregnancy to lose weight, Lovelady said. Diets such as Weight Watchers, a Mediterranean diet or a vegetarian diet can all be skilful options, she said. [Mediterranean Nutrition: Foods, Benefits & Risks]

In addition, another, smaller study from Sweden — which included 68 overweight or obese women, all of whom were chest-feeding — found that dietary changes had the greatest impact on postpartum weight loss. Offset at x to fourteen weeks postpartum, the women were randomly divided into four groups for a 12-week intervention. One grouping was counseled about their diet, another on nutrition and exercise, and some other on exercise alone. The fourth group received no advice and served as a control group, for comparison. The women in the diet-only group not simply lost the nearly weight just were as well the simply group that continued to lose weight nine months later, co-ordinate to the study.

Rasmussen, who was an writer on the study, noted that the dietary changes the women fabricated were not major. The intervention focused on cut out junk food, eating more vegetables and somewhen reducing the overall number of calories the women were consuming, she told Live Science.

(One limitation of the study, still, was that the practise component was not a huge change from the amount of physical activeness the women were getting prior to starting the written report, Rasmussen said. And then, while they did attach to the do requirements, it didn't represent a substantial increment in their energy expenditure, she said.)

"I can tell yous, diet does work," Rasmussen said. She said, for weight loss, she recommends a nutrition that highlights nutrient-dumbo calories and avoids empty calories. [Diet and Weight Loss: The Best Ways to Eat]

And although diet appears to be the driving factor in losing the baby weight and do doesn't take a huge effect on weight loss, the experts agreed that it's however important for new moms to become dorsum to moving as shortly equally possible.

Here's an easy way for new moms to get moving. (Image credit: Oleg Baliuk )

Yeah, gone are the days when women were confined to bed rest after giving birth — certainly, a woman should take care of herself and recover from giving nascency, but information technology'southward important to get moving, Rasmussen said.

"Most women tin start walking soon later on giving nativity, regardless of whether they give birth vaginally or have a C-section," Nicklas said. Just women interested in doing more vigorous activity, such as lifting weights, should inquire their OB when they can showtime, she added.

All of the experts nosotros spoke with agreed: Walking is a neat way for new moms to get do. [2016 All-time Pedometers]

Walking during the postpartum period has been shown to have excellent health benefits, van der Pligt said. Plus, it'southward convenient and cheap, and can exist an important social activity for new moms, she added. [How to Outset Exercising Over again Later on Pregnancy]

In 1 of Lovelady'due south studies, for instance, the women started their walking program at four weeks postpartum and gradually built upward to walking for 45 minutes a day, five days a calendar week, Lovelady said. The women in the study had been largely sedentary for the previous iii months, even so, she added. For most women, moderate practice during pregnancy is considered safe and healthy.

It'south also important to reduce inactivity. In a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers looked at the effects of television viewing, walking and trans-fatty consumption on postpartum weight retentiveness. They found that women who watched less than 2 hours of television receiver a solar day, walked for at least thirty minutes a day and limited their consumption of trans fat had a decreased likelihood of retaining at least 11 lbs. (five kg) a year later giving birth.

Although researchers know that physical activity alone does not appear to crusade weight loss, in combination with a salubrious nutrition, regular exercise helps to maintain the weight loss that occurred, said Oken, who was the lead author of the study.


Although all of the experts interviewed agreed that diet and exercise strategies for postpartum weight loss don't actually differ from the strategies one would utilise for weight loss at any other time of life, after giving birth, women may have ane unique advantage: breast-feeding. [Breast-feeding Basics: Tips for Nursing Mothers]

For example, in Rasmussen'southward 2008 study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers concluded that "breast-feeding could as well make a meaningful contribution, eliminating [postpartum weight retention by 6 months] in many women."

(Nicklas noted that, while total breasts may experience heavier, in reality, they wouldn't contribute much to a chest-feeding woman's weight.)

Certainly, there are several factors that play a role in whether breast-feeding has an consequence on weight loss, including how intensively and how long a woman breast-feeds, Rasmussen said. Just generally speaking, the more a woman breast-feeds, the greater an effect it will accept on her weight loss, she said.

Simply put, breast-feeding burns calories — the body requires actress energy to make milk. (However, this might not be the entire explanation, Rasmussen said. Researchers haven't yet tested whether other factors as well contribute to weight loss associated with breast-feeding, she said.)

(Epitome credit: didesign021/Shutterstock)

Indeed, the calorie requirements for breast-feeding women are higher than those for women who are non chest-feeding. Women who exclusively breast-feed burn nearly 500 actress calories a day, compared with women who are not chest-feeding, Lovelady said. But more often than not, breast-feeding women are instructed to increment their caloric intake past only about 330 calories daily, she said. The resulting deficit contributes to weight loss.

In other words, the calorie recommendations for lactating women don't completely encompass the corporeality needed to produce milk, Rasmussen said. Researchers presume that part of that caloric cost will be met by burning body fat, she said. So, for women who are reasonably active and gained a reasonable amount of weight during pregnancy, breast-feeding is really quite important, Rasmussen said. "Merely you tin undo it all by overeating," she added.

Still, according to Rasmussen, between diet, exercise and breast-feeding, breast-feeding comes out on top as the most important factor in whether a adult female will lose all of her pregnancy weight.

"Yous accept to realize there are two players here: There'southward the mother, and the babe," Rasmussen said. "So the optimal [approach] for the mother and the baby together is, first for the mother to breast-feed. The "babe gets the best nutrition we accept to offer, and the mother, if she doesn't overeat, volition lose weight," she added. "If [a woman] wants to lose more weight than that, she can diet, she can exercise or she can do both," Rasmussen said.

Nevertheless, researchers oasis't reached a consensus on the effects of breast-feeding on weight loss.

"This has been looked at in many studies, and there'due south still non a clear answer" on the role that breast-feeding plays in postpartum weight loss, Nicklas said. If all of the studies are considered, withal, at that place are probably slightly more showing that breast-feeding does assistance, she added.

Just to reassure women who are non able to breast-feed, or choose not to, Nicklas noted that breast-feeding is not essential for weight loss.

Van der Pligt agreed. Although many women do lose weight while breast-feeding, many studies accept shown niggling or no influence of chest-feeding on a mother'southward weight change, she said.

"So nosotros can't assume that just because a woman is chest-feeding, she will lose weight," van der Pligt said. Information technology'southward more than about promoting healthy, accessible lifestyle behaviors that will have health benefits for women and assist her in achieving a good for you weight following childbirth, she said.

This article is role of a Live Science Special Study on the Science of Weight Loss. It will exist updated whenever meaning new research warrants. Note that whatsoever pregnant change in diet should be undertaken only afterwards consultation with a dr..

Follow Sara One thousand. Miller on Twitter @SaraGMiller . Follow Alive Science @livescience , Facebook & Google+ . Originally published on Live Science .

Sara G. Miller

Sara is a staff writer for Alive Science, covering health. She grew up exterior of Philadelphia and studied biological science at Hamilton Higher in upstate New York. When she'due south not writing, she tin be found at the library, checking out a large stack of books.


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