Tired Again at 15 Weeks Pregnant

Notwithstanding five tired at 15 weeks?

(20 Posts)

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 ten:06:32

I.m 15wks pg with dc2 and am struggling to do much more than the bare minimum still. Accept dressed dd and folded laundry this morning and am sat hither in my pjs. Feeling guilty nearly wanting to exist in bed all the time. Have avoided the playground and am reading a lot of trashy novels on iPad.

Even so getting some sickness, mostly in morning when I accept to exist careful not to motility much after breakfast or I beginning heaving.

But sickness is and so much amend than information technology was I experience similar tiredness should be gone now! How Are you feeling? Exercise you lot feel as lazy every bit I do?

MrsTittleMouse Mon 28-Mar-11 10:09:11

I felt like that for the whole of both my pregnancies. Sorry, probably not what y'all want to hear! The morning time sickness got better after 20 weeks, but I was nonetheless uber-picky well-nigh what I would/wouldn't eat.

It's non lazy, by the mode. You are growing a whole new person. And you need all the rest that yous can before you lot have a infant and a toddler. wink

<runs away after freaking out poor painfullyhonest>

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 10:23:00

Thanks mrst am not freaking out...even so. Seem to remember feeling more energetic and smiley at some point during last pg and I'm waiting for that feeling to come up dorsum! (hopeful emoticons). Accept been told by osteo that I need to do more than exercise to better back hurting simply I truly don't know how I will drag myself to classes or pool. Fifty-fifty tho I know it will prob improve my free energy levels!

nannyl Monday 28-Mar-11 10:26:56

Im sixteen weeks

I take had horendous sickness, since 5+vi, and its still pretty bad just so much better than it was.

I think i stopped feeling extremly tired effectually 13 weeks, and am but a bit tired now

boba82 Mon 28-Mar-11 10:xxx:37

Hi painfully I'k a first-timer and am 16+ 3. I'grand as tired now as I was at the start. The sickness and tiredness got chip better for a few weeks around weeks 11-14 only can't believe it's all came dorsum with a vengence! Hopefully we'll showtime to feel better soon <<hopefull emotion>>

buttonmoon78 Mon 28-Mar-11 10:33:35

grin at the hope. 22wks with dc4. Knackered. wink

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-xi 11:37:17

are yous all getting stuff done tho? am permanently behind with laundry, kitchen a mess, bed non made (but take managed to clear the floor next to it - a showtime) and am at present scrambling to get sausages and smilies on for DD to consume before nursery.

Am planning to get some squeamish new cds for DD and some plastic food for her to play with while she'south at nursery, if I'chiliad non going to take her anywhere and so I should at least make sure she'southward entertained at home! Will also get some more rubbish books for myself I think smile know your limits and all that...

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 11:42:52

Ridiculous thing is that I don't fifty-fifty think I'm done with having babies nevertheless!! this pg has been pretty awful, just endlessly feeling crap just I don't believe that my family is complete. Ideally I'd like 4 but volition probably stop at iii... peradventure the complete feeling will come up when DC2 has done the 12th poo of the day and dd is screaming for peppa pig and dinner isn't cooked yet etc etc grin

Tamashii Mon 28-Mar-xi 11:56:39

Just wanted to add together that you are def not lonely. I am 13 weeks PG and have had atrocious morning sickness since most 6 weeks. Confined to hugging the porcelain throne for days at a time then having a couple of days being able to eat/drink very few types of annihilation (usually Lucozade and fruit) and so back to puking everything up. Due to this I have had even less energy and have been exhausted vacuuming half the living room when I feel well plenty to do information technology. I am behind with the housework, can't discover the free energy to get involved in annihilation with DS [major guilt emoticon] and have hardly managed to make dinner since I started being sick.

I am SOOOO tired too. Seems like the initial complete physical exhaustion has turned to being dog tired from insomnia that has developed and having no decent, healthy food to sustain me.

I try so difficult non to mutter most this in RL then tend to vent on here lots. I feel guilty for feeling like this since it took the states a while to conceive and had an early MC last year plus the fact that we know a couple who are struggling to conceive. I simply feel so lazy likewise.

I do remember still being a fleck sick at 20 weeks beginning time round merely past 21 weeks I felt so, so much ameliorate then that is my milestone this time and I am much amend than last week and so taking information technology a twenty-four hour period at a time. I remember information technology seems difficult for people to understand y'all are not simply being lazy though. DH was saying he sometimes forgets I am PG unless I am hugging the bowl so although I don't take a bump yet, they don't realise we ARE growing a whole new person from scratch and all our ligaments are stretching, organs are moving, hips widening etc etc. On top of that all the PG hormones make me so much more sensitive to criticism even if information technology's not intentional and so I already feel guilty nigh beingness "lazy" and therefore sometimes have a rant at home well-nigh "Wait.... I am not being lazy but I didn't get the vacuuming done today considering" rant rant rant followed by floods of tears probably! Things should fifty-fifty out a bit in the second trimester I call back... I promise!

Tamashii Mon 28-Mar-xi xi:56:59

Sorry - that was a scrap long and ranty blush

buttonmoon78 Monday 28-Mar-11 11:58:xiii

I project an prototype of togetherness. Simply in reality my life is falling apart. Merely I'm happy!

lolajane2009 Monday 28-Mar-xi 12:02:29

me too. i'm 15 weeks and I am wearied... i feel so lazy every bit I should exist doing housework but I really have no free energy.

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 13:26:thirteen

whinging on here has made me feel better - every bit have yr replies! I am then very grateful that I don't have a proper chore. I did some cupcakes for a party the other calendar week and after a day of working on choosy decorations I was absolutely wrecked and could barely walk due to back pain the next day. then I'chiliad non planning on taking on much more baking for now....

1 load of laundry on and am going to have energising lunch before going to shops. Promise that DD volition be delighted with her treats!

buttonmoon78 Mon 28-Mar-11 14:08:48

For goodness sake, woman, whinge abroad! And quit it with the 'proper chore' twaddle. Your growing a new man and keeping some other one fed and clean. What's improper nigh that?! wink

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 14:12:29

<pulls cocky together and starts to make a proper list of whinges and grumbles for ambulation...>

<realises self is far too tired for this sort of activity and wafts off to bed for still some other residual>


buttonmoon78 Mon 28-Mar-11 fourteen:26:36

I have trained my girls (13 & nearly xi) to say to DH 'mum couldn't practise x / had to eat y as baby needs her to rest / wanted her to swallow y'. TBH it's not taking much training as they are very keen to read up on pg and keep googling thoroughly age inappropriate sites!

painfullyhonest Mon 28-Mar-11 14:35:16

wow button they will make the best sisters ever! you are lucky to have them so set up to aid and support y'all!!

buttonmoon78 Mon 28-Mar-xi 14:39:51

They are both a lot more into the whole thing than last fourth dimension (when they were 10&7). DD1 appears to exist treating me equally her very own biology projection and dd2 is never knowingly outdone (by anyone, let alone dd1!). Unremarkably it's great, but merely very occasionally it can be a little stifling!

Merely hey, I'1000 pg, I'thou allowed to be irrational and grumpy and snappy and greedy and lazy and forgetful (feel gratis to insert your ain here!)...

grottielottie Mon 28-Mar-eleven 15:00:58

I but came on to start an almost identical post then saw this, and so thanks you saved me a trivial bit of energy!

I'thousand 11+3 and struggling to do much at all, it'southward so frustrating as I'm normally the sort of person that likes to do (and I have a million and one things that need doing). My poor DH has cooked every meal for the by few weeks, although now he is going for gear up meals every bit I can no longer want to eat anything but Hienz tomato soup (occasionally). I was hoping that someone would tell me that it would all disappear at the magical 12 weeks, oh well I will simply have to keep my fingers crossed.

hilltop666 Tue 29-Mar-xi eleven:27:48

im 26+four and tiredness never actually left in fact its got worse in the last few wks- still waiting for the burst of energy to kick in simply at this rate its non going to!

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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/pregnancy/1181335-Still-v-tired-at-15-weeks

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